Meatsheet Selection: Night Sins

Meatsheet Selection: Night Sins 

Night Sins

By John Meat

(Originally published 7/6/19 on CULTCHA Clash Outer National)

Boy howdy, I'm John Meat. I used to publish a fanzine called Meatsheet. The last printed copy happened in 2002.

When I am not under a rock or staring at popcorn ceiling drying out... I like to pretend I know about music.
However it just happens that I am a fan of the band Nothing (check out their Bandcamp page).
This is Kyle from Nothing's project called Night Sins (check out their Bandcamp page). I am hoping for some type of moody , dark sound waves to drop soon and make me question if there is hope for this world. Until then here is a very short preview of what is going on...

Listen to their last LP, 2017's Dancing Chrome on Funeral Party Records...


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